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Bangladesh and France sign a contract for the purchase of 10 Airbus airplanes and satellite technologies.

Bangladesh and France sign a contract for the purchase of 10 Airbus airplanes and satellite technologies.

Bangladesh and France have agreed to a $3.2 billion deal for the acquisition of 10 Airbus aircraft. The agreement was reached during a meeting between Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and French President Emmanuel Macron. A letter of intent was also exchanged for an earth observation satellite system in addition to the aircraft purchase.

France is viewed as making a move with Macron’s trip to Bangladesh to strengthen its Asia-Pacific strategy and counteract China’s expanding influence in the area. In his conversations with Prime Minister Hasina, Macron highlighted the value of democracy and the rule of law while also presenting a different path in opposition to the “new imperialism.”

An important step has been taken with the acquisition of Airbus aircraft by Bangladesh’s leading airline, Biman Airline. Biman has previously purchased aircraft from American manufacturer Boeing. Bangladesh is demonstrating its confidence in the European aerospace sector with this purchase.

A letter of intent was signed for the supply of an earth observation satellite system in addition to the aircraft agreement. This technology will mostly be used to monitor crops and the ocean. Bangladesh now lacks the tools necessary to monitor its enormous sea.

Macron’s trip to Bangladesh is a component of France’s plan to forge deeper ties with Bangladesh. It comes after his earlier this year tour of the Indo-Pacific, during which he outlined France’s commitment to the area. The fifth-largest commercial partner of Bangladesh is France, with whom it has close relations in the fields of engineering, energy, aerospace, and water.

Both Macron and Hasina expressed the hope that the strategic alliance between Bangladesh and France will promote peace and stability in the region and around the world. As Bangladesh is one of the most affected countries by changing weather patterns, they also discussed working together on climate change-related projects.

Overall, Macron’s visit represents a significant turning point in the alliance between France and Bangladesh as both nations endeavor to deepen bilateral connections and advance prosperity for all.

Source- ts2

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