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Edinburgh Airport welcomes direct route to to Beijing this summer with Hainan Airlines

Edinburgh Airport welcomes direct route to to Beijing this summer with Hainan Airlines

Edinburgh and Beijing will be connected twice weekly by Hainan Airlines.

This summer, Edinburgh Airport will be happy to see a direct flight back to Beijing when Hainan Airlines lands in Scotland. From June 26 to October 8, the airline will run twice-weekly flights between Scotland’s main airport and the Chinese capital.

When it launches next month, this will be the only flight that connects Scotland and China directly.

As we prepare for an incredibly exciting summer, Gordon Dewar, Chief Executive of Edinburgh Airport, said: “The reintroduction of direct flights to Beijing is excellent news and is further proof of the robust recovery we’re experiencing here at Edinburgh.

“When it launches, this service will be the only one running between Scotland and China, and Hainan Airlines is really demonstrating its trust in the market by offering it. Scotland’s universities and tourist sector will benefit from this crucial link, which will also provide a plethora of new economic prospects and improve access to other regions of the globe.

We’re confident that it will be widely regarded by everyone, including students who are crossing the border to study, families who are reuniting, and visitors who are going to new regions.

“I welcome the announcement of this direct service between Edinburgh Airport and Beijing, which is a significant development for both Edinburgh and Scotland’s international connectivity,” said Transport Minister Kevin Stewart. For individuals and companies in Scotland and China, this direct connectivity is excellent news since it fosters strong ties for trade and exports and makes it simpler for tourists and students to visit Scotland.

Source: traveldailynews

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