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Gen Z watches 17 hours of video content every week.

Gen Z watches 17 hours of video content every week.

At this month’s Arival 360 Conference in Orlando, the development of video content was a popular topic of discussion.  Vice President of Content at Arival, Stephen Joyce, challenged the experiences sector to “get serious about video” after noting that Gen Z now spends 17 hours a week watching videos on websites like YouTube and TikTok.

According to Joyce, “video is literally everywhere.” We utilize it for communication, so it’s more than simply content.  We make daily use of it. and we shop with it.  In Asia, video shopping is already a $370 billion business.  TikTok Live Shopping has finally made its way to America, allowing users to shop live within the app.

Douglas Quinby, the CEO and co-founder of Arival, has previously disclosed on the show how TikTok has emerged as the second most popular platform among 18-to 34-year-olds for vacation planning.  Furthermore, following January of this year, Mastercard’s latest data indicates a change in consumer spending from goods to experiences.

Joyce said, “It’s time to get serious about video.”  “Compared to previous generations, Gen Z is spending a larger portion of their discretionary income… And social media sites like TikTok are a major factor in this; according to 63% of 18–34-year-olds, the platform helped them find a new travel brand, 76% of them used the platform to book a holiday, and 46% of them created original travel-related material.

Joyce offers experienced brands the following advice:

Get familiar with video and master the fundamentals; sophisticated gear is not necessary.  Videos are native; the most potent video gadget is always in our pockets.  Just make sure your sound and lighting are correct.  These two things are the main ones.

Recognize your audience; find out who they are and whether they are drawn to you.  What matters is what people desire, not who they are.

DIY vs. Influencer: You must choose between doing it yourself and hiring an influencer.  If you do decide on an influencer, consider their audience before choosing them.

In order to receive feedback and comments from your audience, engage with them by using surveys and questionnaires.

Every social media profile offers a space for a bio link; make sure to use it. Provide a link in your bio.  If your website is mobile-friendly, point them there. If not, make use of the various Link in Bio platforms available.

Make sure your video has obvious calls to action that encourage viewers to do what you want them to do, such as liking it, following you, clicking on the link, subscribing to your newsletter, or anything else you want them to do.  Make sure your video has a call to action so you can monitor its effectiveness.

Joyce said, “We no longer just consume content mindlessly.”  Now, it’s all about communication.  Chat, video, and e-commerce are all merging.

Source- Travel daily


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