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How Immigration Caused the Democrats to Lose the Working Class

How Immigration Caused the Democrats to Lose the Working Class

We heard from a focus group led by progressive organizations in September 2022. The participants, who were dispersed around the nation, had supported Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election but were uncertain about the upcoming midterm elections. The moderator posed a question concerning migrants and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ decision to send them to Martha’s Vineyard; nonetheless, the majority of the replies expressed dissatisfaction with the border policies of the Biden administration. “Trump opposed a migrant inflow as part of his border strategy. This was undone by President Biden. Over two million are now anticipated for this year,” a woman stated. DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott, according to another, are “the first line of defense.” They are not receiving the necessary assistance.”

The fact that hundreds of thousands of recent migrants have sought refuge in New York and other major cities has only served to increase people’s discontent with Biden administration policies. Many of them are undocumented immigrants who either crossed the border covertly or were detained but released without charge pending court dates due to the shoddy asylum procedures in place in the nation. Even Democratic politicians have expressed their disapproval, such as the governor of the state and the mayor of New York City.

Without immigration, America would not exist as it does now. The nation’s consecutive industrial booms spanning the early 19th and late 19th century would not have been feasible without the work and ingenuity of immigrants. However, immigration frequently had a negative aspect that bred hostility. Partitions between immigrants and between immigrants and native laborers contributed to the United States’ inability to establish a successful labor

Source- livemint


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