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It's going to be a Viking-tastic NTIA Afterparty!

It’s going to be a Viking-tastic NTIA Afterparty!

On November 18 in Melbourne, the much awaited National Travel Industry Awards will take place. The industry’s night of nights has already attracted unprecedented levels of interest. There have been a whopping 1700 nominations, and the AFTA crew is already hard at work planning a fantastic celebration.

Dean Long, chief executive officer of the Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA), stated: “We are pleased to welcome Viking as our Afterparty sponsor and thank them for their kind support.”

“The 2023 Afterparty is going to elevate travel’s night of nights to a whole new level,” we have already said in very early meetings with the Viking team.

“Viking is a very welcome addition to our family of NTIA sponsors, and we are thrilled to team up with the best in travel to celebrate the best in and of travel,” said the NTIA.

Viking “We are so excited to be sponsoring the Afterparty for travel’s night of nights and can’t wait to celebrate the success of our industry over the past 12 months,” said Michelle Black, Managing Director Australia & New Zealand.

“Our business depends heavily on our industry partners, and the past year has been tremendously significant for all of us as travel has made a victorious comeback. As a result, we are eager to welcome everyone to the NTIA Afterparty, which promises to be the best one yet in true Viking fashion.

Source- Travel daily

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