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Sri Lanka targets two million Indian travelers by end of 2023

Sri Lanka targets two million Indian travelers by end of 2023

Roadshows in important South Indian cities come to an end.

Sri Lanka Tourism staged a number of Road Shows in significant South Indian towns as part of its ongoing bilateral and cultural connections with its Indian counterparts. The purpose of this series of roadshows was to advertise the tourist attractions and services of the tranquil island country. The first road show began on April 24 in Chennai, continued on April 26 in Cochin, and concluded on April 28 in Bangalore.

At this event, a group of more than 30 hotels and travel agencies from Sri Lanka took part. The delegation was led by the Hon. Harin Fernando, Minister of Tourism, and included Mr. Thisum Jayasuriya, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Convention Bureau, Mr. Chalaka Gajabahu, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB), Ms. Shirani Herth, Junior Manager of the SLTPB, and Ms. Malkanthi Welikla, Manager of Marketing for the Sri Lanka Convention Bureau.

Sri Lanka is seeing a considerable increase in tourist arrivals, notably from India, which has taken over as the leading source of visitors, according to Hon. Harin Fernando, Minister of Tourism. We welcomed 46,432 Indian tourists in the first quarter of 2023. With a comprehensive marketing effort under way, we want to bring in 2 million tourists from across the world this year. Due to the rise in tourists, Sri Lanka’s tourism revenue increased from $482.3 million in the first quarter of last year to over 530 million dollars in the first quarter of 2023. This year, we anticipate bringing in a total of $3 billion from tourists.

“Sri Lanka values the Indian outbound market since it has played a crucial role in promoting tourism in our nation,” he continued. In addition to its significant history spanning back 2,500 years, the nation offers a wide range of sights and experiences, including yoga, beaches, shopping, dining, adventure, and wildlife. Additionally, the religious tourism programme known as the Ramayana circuit is quite popular in India. Therefore, this is a great moment to enjoy the warm hospitality of the Sri Lankan people.

The Hon. Minister of Tourism met with a number of prominent business leaders, investors, tourism stake holders, and corporations during the Roadshows and participated in several media interviews with top Indian media outlets.

Family vacations are a great idea in Sri Lanka, according to Mr. Chalaka Gajabahu, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau. To strengthen its status as a top tourism destination, the nation is presently interacting with the Indian travel sector. We want to establish a solid connection with our Indian travel industry partners and promote a cooperative partnership through our stakeholders and representatives from hotels, resorts, DMCs, and event management firms.

The chairman of the Sri Lanka Convention Bureau, Mr. Thisum Jayasuriya, stated: “Meetings, conferences, and incentives, or MICE, are increasingly popular worldwide. In March 2023, we held Sri Lanka’s first-ever MICE exhibition to highlight this attractive location. The arrival of 80 people, just from India, made us happy. Due to its close proximity and superior connectivity, Sri Lanka is a desirable and affordable alternative for MICE tourists.

Those who could effectively convey the message that Sri Lanka is not only one of the most beautiful countries with an amazing range of destinations and products, but is also safe and secure, were the target audience at these roadshows, including tour operators, media, key influencers, corporations, trade associations, and important stakeholders in the Indian tourism industry.

The event concentrated on highlighting the positive message that Sri Lanka is available for leisure, business, and MICE tourism while promoting a variety of travel experiences and encouraging potential visitors to make reservations. Indigo and Sri Lankan Airlines are just two of the many industry participants that have backed this effort. Each roadshow featured B2B Sessions that facilitated a variety of talks, followed by an evening networking event that also aided in strengthening business relationships.

Celebrities like cricket icon Sanath Jayasuriya participated in these events, giving them an air of glitz. A dance group that had been particularly flown in for this occasion to highlight Sri Lanka’s rich performing arts legacy.

Source: traveldailynews

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