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The most recent survey is announced by Online Travel Training (OTT).

The most recent survey is announced by Online Travel Training (OTT).

tourism agents all around the UK are preparing for a better future as the tourism sector continues to revive. The latest study from Online Travel Training (OTT), “Global Green Shoots of Recovery: Anticipating Positive Trends in Post-Pandemic Travel,” will be conducted in September and builds on the achievements of earlier efforts.

The “Global Green Shoots of Recovery” survey, which was previously done by OTT, provided insightful information about the travel industry’s adaptation and resilience throughout the difficult pandemic times. It demonstrated how travel agents changed course, adjusted, and stayed consistent in their dedication to the travel aspirations of their clients.

The next study attempts to reflect the present mood among travel agents as the world starts to reopen and tourists regain their wanderlust. As we negotiate the post-pandemic environment, it will examine their expectations, hopes, and projections for the future of travel.

Principal Goals of the Survey

to determine how optimistic travel agents are about the industry’s comeback.
to determine new fads in travel and preferred destinations.
must be aware of how sustainability and responsible travel are important in the post-pandemic period.
to determine how technology and digital technologies affect the operations of travel agencies.
to learn about the cutting-edge methods that travel agents use to change with the travel industry.
The poll will act as a gauge for the market, revealing how travel agents see the direction of travel and how they intend to support their clients in this changing landscape.

By organizing this survey, which builds on the “Global Green Shoots of Recovery” concept that resonated so powerfully in our prior campaign, OTT is delighted to demonstrate its continued commitment to the travel industry. According to Julia Feuell, CEO of OTT, “We think the replies from travel agencies will provide insightful information and direction for the entire sector.

Participants in this poll, including industry experts, stakeholders, and travel agencies, are urged to give their opinions. A thorough analysis of the findings and their implications for the present and future of the travel industry will be done before they are published.

Online Travel Training (OTT) is a top resource for travel education, offering materials and training programs tailored to the needs of travel professionals. With a global presence, OTT acts as a center for travel agents to expand their knowledge and expertise, ultimately providing their clients with outstanding travel experiences.

Source- Travel daily

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