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Top 10 weekend getaways in America for the most money

Top 10 weekend getaways in America for the most money

The average cost of a trip for two individuals was calculated using data from the 50 most populous American cities by the travel information site Scott and Yanling. The most pricey weekend vacations in the nation were identified using data on hotels, public transportation, taxi rides, theater and movie tickets, alcoholic beverages, and lunch and dinner menus.The most expensive weekend getaway in the United States, costing an average pair more than $1,400, is Boston. The city becomes a top contender for the most opulent getaway experience with guests paying up to $345 per night.

The second-most expensive city is the well-known New York City, where a weekend visit typically costs roughly $1,291. This dramatic turn of circumstances shows that Boston’s ascension to the top rank demonstrates that expensive living is no longer confined to the Big Apple.

San Diego, a pleasant seaside city, takes third place closely behind with an expected total of $1,231. San Diego’s allure undoubtedly comes at a high price, furthering its reputation as an alluring but pricey resort, with the average drink costing over $10.

San Francisco is frequently listed as a must-see destination, but at $1206 for a weekend, it might be an expensive getaway for tourists looking for the whole West Coast experience. Particularly now that individual theatrical tickets can cost up to $185.

With lodging fees adding to the overall cost, the same weekend getaway will cost you a startling $1,153 in Seattle, $1,106 in Denver, and $1,099 in Long Beach.

The eighth-placed city is Washington, D.C., where travelers can expect to spend $1,096 on a weekend getaway. A mid-range lunch in the city will set you back more than $100 per couple, giving you a glimpse of its historic magnificence.

The final-place Los Angeles and Chicago both have an average weekend price of $1,070. Both cities are glitzy and famous. From Scott and Yanling’s Scott Sidders: “Weekend vacations can expedite and enhance your trip. Though it’s “”

“Extensive planning in advance is essential to get the greatest offers and preventing prices from rising during peak times. Accepting flexibility by selecting other weekdays can also be advantageous because it opens up more economical lodging and entertainment possibilities, ultimately resulting in a memorable trip without breaking the bank.

The trusted source for travel advice, recommendations, and much more, Scott and Yanling, contributed this data.
Source- Travel daily

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