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WTTC Chair Emphasizes The Transformative Power Of Travel And The Significance Of Africa

WTTC Chair Emphasizes The Transformative Power Of Travel And The Significance Of Africa

In his speech during the 23rd Global Summit in Rwanda, WTTC Chair Arnold Donald praised the transforming potential of travel and acknowledged the great significance of Rwanda.

Arnold Donald highlighted the benefits of travel in fostering understanding between cultures, lowering fear of the unfamiliar, and fostering tolerance.

He greeted everyone with a cordial greeting and acknowledged them as global rising stars, industry leaders, and visionaries.

Donald praised Rwanda’s amazing wildlife and natural beauty, but he also underlined that the country’s vibrant and cohesive citizens are what really make it what it is.

It was intentional to have the Global Summit in Africa, and it is a historic occasion for the travel and tourism industry. Donald acknowledged that Africa has 54 countries, 1.4 billion people, and a wide variety of languages.

From 2000 to 2019, investment in travel and tourism in Africa increased by around 350%, above the global average.

Donald conveyed his appreciation to the WTTC personnel as a whole, CEO Julia Simpson, and sponsors for their contributions to the summit program. He also expressed his sincere gratitude to the Republic of Rwanda, the hosts, and in particular to CEO Francis Gatare and President Paul Kagame.

He emphasized that in 2022, Rwanda’s travel and tourism industry brought in US$173 million. Forecasts indicate that the sector will reach US$194 million, and over the next ten years, significant growth and employment creation are anticipated.

Donald praised Rwanda for its dedication to conservation and carbon neutrality, noting how well these goals fit with the summit’s theme.

In his speech, Donald emphasized the tremendous influence of travel, praised Rwanda’s importance, and emphasized the possibility for expansion in the travel and tourism industry in Africa. The summit in Rwanda was seen as a turning point in the history of the travel and tourism sector worldwide.

Source- Travel biz


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