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Despite the possibility of delays, many tourists are unlikely to have sufficient insurance coverage.

Despite the possibility of delays, many tourists are unlikely to have sufficient insurance coverage.

An international online travel agency called Agoda has teamed up with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) to help Thai hotels adopt sustainable tourism practices. Agoda and the GSTC are happy to announce that their successful partnership in organising the Sustainable Tourism Course will continue. This third course, held in Bangkok, Thailand, brings together Agoda, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports (MOTS), and the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), building on the successes of the other ones held in Singapore and Taiwan. On July 3 and 4, the course is held at the Agoda office in Bangkok, with a number of tourism experts from Agoda’s partner hotels in attendance.

“We are pleased to announce the continuation of our partnership with the GSTC and our joint initiatives with the MOTS and TAT in hosting this course in Thailand,” said Damien Pfirsch, Chief Commercial Officer of Agoda. Our joint objective is to give Thai hotel professionals the knowledge and abilities they need to adopt sustainable tourism practises, enabling them to transform their organisations and promote a more sustainable future for Thai tourism.

Through in-depth content supplied by the GSTC, the Sustainable Tourism Course is intended to support hotel participants in their pursuit of sustainability goals. This course includes examples of real-world best practises from travel agencies, tour operators, and lodging providers around the world. It helps participants better comprehend the goals and key performance indicators of the GSTC Criteria and equips them with the tools they need to create and implement sustainable tourism policies and practises for their business and the locations they serve, setting them up for future GSTC certification*.

Participants who successfully complete the course are given a completion certificate and are then qualified to sit for an optional official exam to earn the GSTC Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism. In order to meet the Staff Engagement Criteria A4 of the GSTC Industry Criteria for Hotels, which mandates that staff hold certificates and credentials in pertinent fields and abilities, both the course and the optional professional certificate contribute.

“We’re pleased to launch our Sustainable Tourism Course in Bangkok in partnership with Agoda,” said Randy Durband, Chief Executive Officer of GSTC. Our goal is to provide business professionals with the information, resources, and tactics they need to transform their organisations. We think that by educating people, working together, and putting our ideas into action, we can rewrite the history of tourism and make it a real force for good. Our goal at GSTC is to promote this shift one professional and one course at a time.

Source: traveldailymedia

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