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Lim Kean Bon is appointed by the Singapore Tourism Board as the Area Director for Africa, South Asia, and India.

Lim Kean Bon is appointed by the Singapore Tourism Board as the Area Director for Africa, South Asia, and India.

On September 1, the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) made public Lim Kean Bon’s appointment as Area Director for Africa, South Asia, and India. In Raymond Lim’s place, he would head STB’s promotion efforts and initiatives to engage the travel industry in Northern and Eastern India to maintain and expand leisure travelers’ affinity for Singapore. He will be located in New Delhi. In addition, Kean Bon will be in charge of business development initiatives to attract cruise and meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions (MICE) visitors from throughout India to Singapore. Additionally, he will guide his group in interacting with customers in other local marketplaces, such as Bangladesh and South Africa.

We extend a warm welcome to Kean Bon as he joins our vibrant team, said GB Srithar, Regional Director, India, Middle East, South Asia & Africa (IMESA), in response to this appointment for Singapore Tourism Board (STB). In my opinion, Kean Bon is well-suited to fill this position at STB New Delhi given his experience leading experience development for a leisure precinct and his previous employment with the Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau (SECB), especially at this crucial time when Singapore is firmly established as the top leisure and business destination for Indian tourists.

As an urban planner with Singapore’s city planning body, Kean Bon began his career in the public sector there. In order to advance the planning of MICE infrastructure, he joined the STB infrastructure planning and management division in 2015. After moving on to the SECB team in 2017, where he managed destination bids and account servicing activities for sizable business meetings and conventions organized by international associations. From 2020 to 2023, Kean Bon served as the team head of STB’s Lifestyle zone Development, where he established the direction for numerous initiatives to maintain the attraction of Orchard Road, Singapore’s premier lifestyle zone. Kean Bon remarked, “I am eager to join the STB IMESA team and look forward to building on the excellent work and solid relationships built by my predecessor Raymond. The sheer variety of colorful experiences the city has to offer for tourists and business travelers will continue to inspire the Indian audience as my team and I work together in New Delhi to promote Singapore.

Source- Travel daily

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