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New TfWM travel application to be powered by Mobilleo MaaS platform.

New TfWM travel application to be powered by Mobilleo MaaS platform.

Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) has hired multi-platform technology company FOD Mobility Group to assist in the design, development, and delivery of a new, comprehensive mobility as a service (MaaS) app.

The Mobilleo MaaS platform from the Yorkshire-based IT company will power the regional travel app, providing West Midlands residents and visitors access to all modes of transport in one location. The pioneering concept fits in with TfWM’s plans to provide a fresh perspective for clients going throughout the area by enhancing access to integrated transit.

Users can schedule trips, get real-time travel updates, book and pay for all local transport alternatives, including taxis, Demand Responsive Transport (DRT), buses, trains, trams, e-Scooters, walking, cycling, car clubs and parking. The software provides users with the best practical, affordable, and environmentally friendly alternative for their desired destination based on their personal preferences.

This is a significant step towards TfWM’s goal of providing users with access to one app and one account from any location they choose. It is intended to change public and shared transport in the West Midlands by making it quicker and simpler for users to obtain information, select more environmentally friendly modes of transport, and locate the most affordable rates. It will take the place of the current TfWM app. One account, one app, all the bases covered.

TfWM is working on the initiative with a number of partners, including FOD Mobility Group, consultants Arcadis, who are offering guidance on behaviour modification, Brompton Bike Rental, and Enterprise Rent-A-Car and Car Club. Other project partners include ITO World, Euclid, and Unicard, who are in charge of integrating with TfWM’s Swift smart travel programme and who supply real-time public transport data for the West Midlands. On the development of the app, local authorities and transit service providers will also work together.

The Future Transport Zone initiative of the Department of Transportation provided funding for the development.By improving the user experience, combining tickets and information, and assisting in the decarbonization of our transport systems, it is intended to achieve the objectives outlined in the Local Transport Plan.

Transport for West Midlands executive director Anne Shaw stated: “TfWM is putting unprecedented investment into growing our Metro, rail, bus, and active travel networks.”Along with creating new travel options, we must carefully consider how to create smooth plan, book, and pay processes for transportation. This will promote the use of shared and public transport, active transport, and reduce the usage of private vehicles.

“We want to accomplish just that with the help of this new mobility as a service platform. In order to create an app that is simple to use, practical, and economical, we are collaborating with some of the top British tech and mobility firms. Anyone searching for travel options in the West Midlands can stop here. We are excited to work on this fascinating project with FOD Mobility Group and other important partners.

Justin Whitston, CEO of FOD Mobility Group, continued, “We are genuinely excited to be collaborating with TfWM on what will be an interesting and scalable mobility as a service initiative, powered by our Mobilleo platform. We look forward to delivering a novel travel strategy for the West Midlands over the long term.

We are thrilled to be a partner in the project, said Oz Choudhri, head of mobility solutions for Enterprise UK and Ireland. Enterprise already has a strong presence throughout the West Midlands through our rental and car club operations.“We are certain that we will continue to expand this presence, allowing us to play a significant part in providing shared and sustainable travel. We will also be working with TfWM on a number of social value projects which will engage with residents and businesses.”

Source: traveldailymedia

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