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A winner in the complaint procedure was ATAS support.

A winner in the complaint procedure was ATAS support.

According to participating travel industry professionals, one of the many advantages of having ATAS accreditation is support through effective management and settlement of client issues.

More ATAS Accredited Travel Businesses have requested expert assistance from the compliance team in the first half of 2023 than in the entire first half of 2022. If things continue as they are, the ATAS compliance team will resolve three times as many conflicts this year as they did last year.

In comparison to 51 times in 2022, ATAS Accredited Businesses have called the compliance team 76 times so far this year for advice on dispute resolution. The thorough three-step dispute resolution guidelines and support offered by the knowledgeable ATAS compliance staff are only available to ATAS Accredited Businesses.

According to Gianni Vitellone of Pronto Travel, “As a small, family-run agency, the support from ATAS Accreditation enables us to uphold the best levels of service for our customers. Our yearly renewal of our accreditation is perfectly justified by their assistance with questions and any prospective dispute settlement. We value your assistance greatly.

“The ATAS team’s exceptional support, unwavering expertise, and invaluable guidance have been the cornerstone of our success in resolving a crucial issue regarding booking terms and conditions, including a Cruise cancellation,” stated Christian Blondeau of France at Leisure.

“As an ATAS Accredited Business, we have consistently relied upon their unmatched assistance, particularly during the difficult times of the pandemic, as we navigated the process of revising our booking policies and business T & Cs,” the statement reads. In response to a cruise issue, Sharon Jones of Helloworld Travel Riverlink Ipswich said: “The ATAS team’s guidance and assistance at a time when I felt I was on my own with a cruise issue was amazing.”

What actually distinguishes ATAS, according to Jennifer Franceschi of Kings Tours & Travel, is their constant dedication to the success of their members. They offered constant assistance, diligently addressing my queries and worries. They provided more than just advise; they actively collaborated with me, sharing their knowledge to support my decision-making throughout the resolution process.

“ATAS Accreditation is a prime example of the value of industry cooperation and group empowerment. I fully advise any travel or help professional looking for unmatched support, knowledge, and direction to contact ATAS.

Source: traveldailymedia

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