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American cities that are the best for vegans that everyone should visit

American cities that are the best for vegans that everyone should visit

A recent study that examines the greatest American towns for vegan travelers has been released, illuminating the local food scene in places all throughout the nation. Two million of the more than 15 million Americans who eat exclusively vegetarian food are vegans. The popularity of food tourism, particularly vegan tourism, has increased dramatically in recent years, and this study offers useful information about dining options for locals and tourists looking for a variety of culinary experiences.

In 48 cities, we standardized the most recent data in categories like the standard and cost of restaurants and the accessibility of vegan amenities in order to achieve this. The values were multiplied by 10 to give a score between 0 and 10, and the data were then normalized using min-max normalization.

With an overall score of 8.14, New York won the title of the greatest city for vegan tourists, demonstrating its dedication to providing a varied and lively food environment for both locals and visitors.

The average of 93 restaurant reviews (4.41/5) was used to calculate the city’s overall restaurant quality, yielding a remarkable score of 9.82 out of 10. In the city, there were 73 inexpensive restaurants and nine expensive ones, giving the analysis a 7 out of 10 cost rating overall.

The emphasis on vegan comforts was one notable trend that was seen. To ascertain the range of vegan-friendly options in each city, the study emphasizes the accessibility of juice and smoothie bars as well as farmer’s markets. With 22 farmer’s markets and 79 juice/smoothie shops, New York distinguished out and earned an impressive amenity rating of 6.97 out of 10.

The city is committed to offering a wide variety of dining alternatives that appeal to different tastes and preferences, as seen by its strong performance in the restaurant quality, price, and vegan-friendly amenities categories.

Chicago earned a total score of 6.33 to come in second. The Windy City was notable for having 46 vegan restaurants, with an overall quality score of 7.39/10 and an average rating of 4.5/5. Due to its poor rating for vegan amenities, it fell short of reaching the top slot. The city received a meager 4.57 out of 10 because there are just 32 farmer’s markets and 27 juice/smoothie establishments.

The top five U.S. cities for vegan tourists include Las Vegas (6.04), Los Angeles (6.14), Washington DC (6.14), and New York (6.14).

Hartford, CT, which had a total score of 2.64, is the city that caters the least to vegan tourists. It contributed to its low-cost rating of 1.83 by having only 18 low-cost eateries and 2 high-cost restaurants.

The final two U.S. cities that are least welcoming to vegan tourists are Detroit (2.73) and Jacksonville, FL (3.01).

It can be challenging for vegans to locate adequate dining options, particularly while traveling, said Sarah Webber, Director of Marketing at InsureMyTrip. We hope that our study will assist all tourists in locating a destination that they can truly sink their teeth into, given the growing popularity of food tourism.

Source- Travel daily

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