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The comprehensive guide to your vacation consumer rights for air travelers

The comprehensive guide to your vacation consumer rights for air travelers

Many vacationers who are trying to make last-minute travel arrangements are still anxious about what’s to come as the summer season draws to a close. In reality, during June and July of this year, almost 6 million UK travelers experienced delays when flying.

Unsurprisingly, the UK was one of the nations with the longest flight delays among those in Europe. There is no denying that labor disputes, strikes, and technical issues at UK airports have hurt air traffic.

In light of this, it’s crucial that travelers are aware of their rights and know how to assert them in the event of delays or cancellations. In accordance with UK 261, passengers are entitled to compensation for delays longer than three hours, cancellations made less than 14 days before departure, refusals to board due to overbooking, and missed connections that result in arrival delays of three hours or more.

When airline employees go on strike, UK passengers have the right to care, such as food and drink or accommodations, as well as a replacement trip when their flight is disrupted and compensation for a three-hour delay.

It has never been more crucial for travelers to understand their rights when making last-minute travel arrangements because the UK’s hunger for travel is still greater than it was throughout the summer of last year. Tomasz Pawliszyn, the CEO of AirHelp, will examine what rights passengers have in the event that a flight is delayed or canceled in this article and offer suggestions for how they can enforce those rights.

Source- Travel daily

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